5 oct. 2011

The Big Apple ...

The flight for Romania will be from JFK Airport, so now I am in New York City. I had 2 days to go around,the weather was not that good for pictures, but the place is amazing. Even though I don't like Brooklyn too much, Manhattan it's amazing.

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Good bye Niagara Falls

So...October is here, summer is over, bla bla bla...the main fact is that I am going back to Romania. Weird thing... even though most of the times I was missing something from Romania ( mostly the food ) now I am sad. Especially because I don't know when or if I'm going to ever see my new friends from Niagara Falls.
I was complaining that I didn't had a tripod...now I have and I have even a remote control for the camera ( bragging, I know ) and I even solved the dead laptop problem. This post is dedicated to my last week in Niagara Falls and I want to tell to all the people that I met that I won't forget them and that I hope I'll see them soon.

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