10 oct. 2015

Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk 2015

3rd October. Today I was a Photo Leader in the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk Event

That was a pretty good day. Not only because it was weekend and I was looking forward for 1-2 days off from work, but also because of the Worldwide Photowalk event. This year about 1000 photowalks around the globe, a pretty big number, with an average of 21.5 photographers/walk, if you ask me.

It's the second time when I take part in the event, but it was a totally new experience for me. It's the first time I tried to organize a photowalk in India. It felt like a big thing, keeping in mind that it was in the context of the worldwide photowalk, I experienced the joy to see that, even though I am not local, 18 persons answered my invitation to the event, but in the end only 5 of them showed up, and figured out that there was another photowalk starting in the same area, but 1 hour later than the one I was leading, and this confused the people.

Either it was the time difference or the fact that I proposed a 4 hour photowalk, covering a couple of miles scared them off :)) (from Sector 22 Market to Shukna Lake, Chandigarh).

Anyway, the photowalk went well, everybody was awesome, eventually in our small group we decided to go around, take some pictures, and then join the other photowalk, but in the end this idea proved to be just a loss of precious light, so we continued by ourselves and called it a day in Sector 17 Market.

I hope everybody had a great time in the event and due to the fact that I am not a big fan of words I will make a better use of virtual space by sharing my favorite moments of the photowalk.

The Womb



16 mar. 2015

Arh. Haralamb Georgescu

Pe o vreme asemanatoare ,dar cu cateva grade in minus, pedalam luna trecuta in tromba prin oras cautand cladirile Arh. Radu Dudescu. Acum cateva zile am facut o calatorie asemanatoare, in locuri pe care si de data asta le stiam prea bine.

Dimineata era innorat, tragea a ploaie, ajung la Obor si pana sa plec deja incepea sa iasa soarele... perfect. In continuare am dat o tura de Herastrau, dupa care am coborat pe Calea Victoriei, am facut stanga sa ajung pe Magheru si am terminat plimbarea langa Gradina Icoanei.

Arhitectul de data asta este Haralamb Georgescu,(click pe nume pentru o redirectionare catre o descriere de pe wikipedia),discipol si ulterior partenerul Arh. Horia Creanga, dar despre el veti putea citi mai multe in urmatorul numar din revista Bucurestiul meu drag, va iesi din cuptor candva zilele astea.

Halele Obor

Halele Obor

Restaurant Pescarus

Calea Victoriei 91-93

Imobilul ARO

Sala Toma Caragiu, Teatrul Bulandra

20 feb. 2015

Arh. Radu Dudescu

Timp de patru zile am cautat urmele Arh. Radu Dudescu in Bucuresti. Rasfirate fiind, am ajuns in locuri pe care nu le-am mai vazut pana acum, printre care si Cimitirul Bellu, dar cateva dintre ele le cunosteam de mult si treceam frecvent pe langa ele.Cum era de asteptat, ma simt ceva mai apropiat de ele si de oras. Mai multe veti putea vedea curand in urmatorul numar "Bucurestiul meu drag".

Weekend placut,
Sabin P.

Blocul Zodiac - Calea Dorobantilor ^

Blocul Zodiac - Calea Dorobantilor, curte interioara ^

BNR - corpul de pe Str. Doamnei ^

Victoriei 22-24 ^

Blocul Teatrului Nottara - Bd. Gen. Magheru ^

Policlinica CFR ^

Cavoul Mitita Constantinescu - Cimitirul Bellu ^
